Friday, May 15, 2015

Carnival 2015: Movin' up in the world...

By now you've probably heard about the partnership between Morinville's St. Jean Baptiste Festival and the MPS Children's Carnival. But aside from  making friends (always a good thing!) what does this mean?! If you're a Carnival goer it means a LOT of benefits! It means that we are now bringing you TWO full days of FREE carnival actvities. It means that we now have a roof over our heads which means children's activities will be a go, rain or shine (no more having to head home when it starts raining on the midway!) It means that we can dedicate more time and energy to sponsoring MORE community groups (14 so far). And it means that two of our community's most successful events can combine their respective volunteer forces and skills. In case you couldn't tell, we're excited and proud to be partnering with the Morinville Festival Society, and we can't wait to SHOW you why!

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