Thursday, March 20, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

Check out the hilarious Eva chowing down on a much earned hot dog after her turn in the pie toss booth at Carnival 2013!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What is the MPES Community Carnival?

The MPS Children's Carnival is a 2 day event open to the public.  Held June 20th-21st at the Ray MacDonald Sports Centre, the Carnival focuses on a day of
community engagement and free family fun.

Community Engagement
Deserving local community groups and programs are an important part of the Carnival.  Each group runs a game or activity, is provided free advertising and exposure, and is given the opportunity to directly interact with the more than 2000 guests the Carnival anticipates.  Groups have provided wonderful feedback stating that the Carnival gives them the chance to really talk with the families they hope to serve.  On the flipside, families love the chance to learn about their community in a relaxed, kid-friendly atmosphere.  Past community groups sponsored have included: The Little Warriors (child sexual abuse prevention), The Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation (domestic abuse prevention), the Morinville Food Bank, Infinite WOOFS Animal Rescue, SSD Early Childhood Education, the Sunflower Resource Centre, and the Morinville Community Library, amongst others!

FREE Family Fun
The MPES Fundraising Association, the Carnival organizers, are committed to providing an event during which ALL children's activities are completely free, without exception.  This year we have already confirmed a medieval troupe of knights and ladies, a huge Dragon Bouncer, a Toddler Zone including bouncy house, face painting, Zoo2U Exotic Petting Zoo, a Wii U station, Superheroes and Villains in costume, and boat loads of carnival games with free prizes.  The arena will be positively packed with fun, open to all our community's children, regardless of their financial situation.

Alongside the Carnival, the MPES PFA will be collecting funds for the construction of our amazing new Playground.  Donations will be accepted throughout the grounds. There will also be a fundraising bbq in the arena lobby including delicious drinks from our favorite St Albert Starbucks baristas, and homemade local baked goods! Information and detailed drawings of the Playground will be on display to the public.

Monday, March 10, 2014

A Look Back: 2nd Annual MPES Community Carnival!

A look back at the fun that was last year's Carnival!  Check back with us on May 1st for news on this year's amazing event!